about us

In short
My mission is to share the simple-yet-hugely effective tools of resilience with today’s busy leaders and managers, quite simply, because I know in my bones that they work due to my personal and professional experience. With some easy mindset tweaks, we can relax, power up, feel more energised and confident, and be more productive in our work and home lives. When we feel resilient, we can also show up in the world differently and in turn, better support those around us.
I refuse to believe that resilience is only about being calm, composed and in control all of the time, and instead I’m a firm believer in encouraging the people I train to first acknowledge their feelings, and then choose their best response. This approach has transformed teams and entire organisational culture, and you can read more about that here.
The long(er) story
Why did resilience choose me?
We all have a purpose in life and I love to help people discover theirs.
Teaching resilience is most certainly my purpose, and along the way, I’ve overcome many barriers to stay true to my path.
I am constantly deepening my understanding of resilience and wellbeing, and after picking up my first personal development book at the age of 22, I was hooked, but I believe my journey started even before that…
Growing up with both parents working in the mental health field, I learned from a very young age the real struggles people experience. I was fortunate to learn this from mum and dad, who were dedicated to making a positive impact. I believe growing up in this environment shaped and led me to this work: it taught me empathy and also instilled in me a strong purpose: to also help contribute to making people’s struggles a little easier. For this reason, I believe resilience chose me to be one of its most dedicated cheerleaders!
At the precise moment I picked up that personal development book, I was sitting alone in our married quarters on a military base in Germany. I had married a man in the RAF and moved countries to be with him, and while he was away on detachment for the first few weeks, I had the realisation I didn’t know anyone, didn’t speak the language, couldn’t drive and had no job or purpose of my own.
And I can recall the exact moment when I realised that all of these things were in my power alone to change.
The job prospects for military wives were thin on the ground, with most opting to work in the bases’ supermarket, but by the time my husband came back, I had got my licence to drive in Germany, secured an employment contract with an international wine company and perhaps most importantly, struck up a friendship with the most connected person in the community: by seeking out a British hairdresser who did the hair of RAF personnel on site. What she didn’t know wasn’t worth knowing and we have been firm friends ever since.
Resilience wasn’t talked about back then in quite the same way: it was all about mental toughness, nowhere more so than in the military! And so it wasn’t until I had been researching and teaching resilience many years later that I looked back and realised that at the age of 22, lonely and isolated in a different country, I had actually used the tools I now teach to individuals and organisations.
What’s more, when I discovered the Personal Resilience Indicator developed by Mind Matters and their fascinating research into the 6 Domains of Resilience, I realised I had utilised every single one of them during my time in Germany. You can read more about the domains of resilience here.
All of this is the reason I can say with absolute certainty that the tools of resilience – if embraced and practised habitually – really do work. And it is why it is my life’s purpose to share them, especially with organisations where – in my view – they are needed now more than ever before.
Our work is rooted in the belief that everyone has the power to bounce back from adversity. We work closely with our clients to help them build mental and emotional fortitude, understand their stress responses, and create strategies to enhance their wellbeing.
What qualifies me to do this work?
The professional bit
I have worked as a resilience consultant, facilitator, mentor, coach, speaker, writer and clinical hypnotherapist for almost 20 years.
I am the founder of Resilience with Tianne Croshaw and dedicate my time to crafting and executing bespoke resilient leadership and team programmes across many blue-chip industry sectors, including pharmaceutical, rail, retail and charity. I was able to help one organisation reduce stress-related absenteeism from 8% to 0% for a three-year period using the tools and techniques you can read about on this site.
8% to 0% absentees
I’m particularly proud to be a contributing author to the thought-leading ‘Organisational Change’ book, and have been approached on numerous occasions to comment in the professional media on topics relating to workplace stress, resilience and wellbeing.
In addition to my organisational consultancy, training and coaching work, I have a private clinic where I help individuals overcome personal and professional challenges drawing on my Master Clinical Hypnotherapy and Stress Management training.
The Resilience Team

Neil Fachie OBE
16 x World Champion Cyclist, Performance Coach, Author and Speaker

Dr. Sian Rowsell
Sleep Specialist

Jacqui Hazell
Faciltator and Master Coach: Leadership – Strategy – Culture

Dr. Susie Mitchell
Growth & Leadership Strategist

Garry Sanderson
Leadership and Behavioural Consultant

Mark Ashton
Inspiring Coach and Mentor

Marie Orford

Natasha Harvey
advanced clinical hypnotherapist, emotional freedom technique practitioner, EMDR blast trauma therapist.

Sandy Juric
CBT Psychotherapist

Cath Davis
Burnout Specialist

John Fox
Goal Achievement Coach & Corporate Meditator

Sarah Mallinson
Naturopathic Nutritional Therapist & Associate Naturopath

Elissa Dobson
Menopause Specialist and coach

Sheena Thomson
Leadership, Risk and Crisis Communications Expert

Anneka Reece
Alcohol Reduction Specialist